Barky Crocker, as her friends nicknamed her, grew up in a tiny town in central Missouri. Living in the country, far from her school friends, she was mostly kept entertained by her dogs and cats.
She learned the joy of cooking early. As an eight-year old, she could be found mixing up cake batter and licking the beaters afterwards. Cut-out cookies were her favorite to bake; the decorating was the best part!
Her love for animals and cooking only grew as she did. Now in her mid-twenties, Barky Crocker loves to bake homemade, healthy treats for her mini dachshund. As the official taste-tester, no treat has been turned down!
Barky Crocker Dog Treats was started to help provide inexpensive, natural, and healthy treats to pet owners who love to spoil their dogs. We take pride in using only ASPCA approved ingredients, and baking each batch of treats to order.
So go ahead, order a batch! Give us a try... your dog will love you for it!
About Barky Crocker
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